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In my own words...
Get to know me a little bit better and gain some useful life perspective & insight, all while being entertained!

2 min read
The Unlikely Places We Discover Ourselves
We often think of self-discovery as something that happens in grand or profound moments—while journaling, meditating, or attending a...

3 min read
The Myth of a Balanced Life: Embracing Counterbalance for Success
As professional women and wholehearted leaders, we often strive for the elusive “work-life balance(integration).” We’re told that...

3 min read
Have you lost touch with who you are?
As a professional woman and wholehearted leader, it’s easy to lose sight of who you are outside of the roles you play. Between leading...

2 min read
Why Cutting Out Sugar Never Worked
For years, I was the skinny girl that could eat anything and it didn't impact me. Yes, I was a runner, but it always seemed to be more...

4 min read
Have a DREAM "Tough" Conversation
What if I told you that you will never need to engage in a "difficult" or "tough" conversation ever again? (I am stepping over your...

5 min read
3 Health Books I'm Recommending Right Now
Over the last six months or so, I've read quite a few books on health. The catalyst: I was/am dealing with flare ups from my auto-immune....

3 min read
Embracing the Parts of Ourselves We Want to Fix
Recently, a fellow coach and I were having a conversation about loving parts of ourselves. While we both have come a LONG way in loving...

2 min read
Good Ol' CZ
"Before anything really great is achieved, your comfort zone must be disturbed." - Ray Lewis Talking about the comfort zone this week....

3 min read
Slow Down
I almost wrote, “where are all my really smart, fast processing people?” And I deleted it, because I believe everyone has their THING...

3 min read
Letting Go in Running
On January 1st, I decided to let my boyfriend create my training plan for my running. I was incredibly nervous about this. Running is my...

1 min read
Quote of the Week/Day
#QOTW I always "know" this. And yet, I don't always KNOW this...sometimes I need reminding. What about you? Believe it? Know it?

2 min read
Unusual "Hard" Conversations
Hard conversations. I want to talk about hard conversations we have with people. When you read this, where did your mind immediately go?...

1 min read
Wednesday's For Wonderment!
Wednesday's for Wonderment! Questions to pull you into the unknown! As always, I'd love to hear what comes up for you; what you'd notice...

1 min read
Wednesday's for Wonderment!
Questions to pull you into the unknown! Every Wednesday I pose a question with the intention of making you stop & think, break out of...

1 min read
What's in a tool?
Two tools. Almost exactly the same. Created to do exactly the same thing. And yet one made my life sooooo much easier while putting...

1 min read
Self Love...eek!
My recent growth in self love.

4 min read
Advice for 2022 Graduates (or anyone)
Life advice for grads or anyone else for that matter!

1 min read
Wednesday's for Wonderment (8/10/22)
Question to pull you out of your day-to-day and consider possibility!

2 min read
Well-being. Good or bad?
Well-being. Sound fun? Does it sound like that thing you know you need to do, maybe even think you want to do, but never really feel like...

1 min read
Leadership Reading Recommendations
A list of my favorite & most useful books about leadership. Feel free to reach out for more information on a particular book! This list...
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